Search Tips

You can perform searches by entering one or more pieces of information about an account. For example, if you know the owner's name, you can simply enter it into the Last Name First Name field. If you know the situs address, you may also enter it. The more information you enter, the more focused the search results will be. REMEMBER to click the Clear Search button before starting a new search.

Basic Search

Account Number: If you know the Account Number just simple enter it in the format shown above the Account Number field i.e. R14005.

Parcel Number: If you know the Parcel Number you can enter it here, with no dashes (-) i.e. 399305211076.

Normal vs. Advanced Search: Normal searches will search for a name in the order you entered it. You will need to enter Last Name first. For example, if you enter: Franklin Benjamin, the system will return the owner(s) named Franklin Benjamin but not Franklin Roosevelt.
Advanced searches work more like an Internet search engine. The order of the words does not matter. For example, if you enter: Franklin Benjamin Advanced, the system will return owner(s) named Benjamin Franklin and Franklin Roosevelt and Benjamin Moore.

Situs Address: If you know the physical address of the property you may enter it here i.e. 16365 6420. The Street Name HAS to be entered to use this search. If you choose not to enter a city or zip code the search will return results for ALL matches. You can refine you search by entering the city or zip code.

Legal Description: If you enter the name of a Subdivision, as you type a list will appear for you to select a Subdivision from. When using subdivision searches, you can search on just the Subdivision, the Subdivision and Block or the Subdivision, Block and Lot. Ranges of Lots can be specified by using a colon i.e. 12:30 would be lots 12 through 30.

Tract Legal: You have to enter the Section, Township and Range i.e. 32, 49 and 9.

Wild Card:

The * character is a wild card character. It can be used in both Normal and Advanced Searches. It can be substituted for any other character or characters. For example, if you enter: Frank*Ben* Normal, the system will return accounts belonging to Benjamin Franklin and Bennie Frankenstein. This can be useful if you are unsure about spelling.

Advanced Search Operators:

Performing Advanced searches with no operators will return accounts containing any of the words you entered. By using certain modifiers, or Operators, you can focus your search. The + operator tells the system that this word must appear in the account. For example, if you enter: Franklin+Benjamin Advanced, the system will return the names belonging to Benjamin Franklin but not Franklin Roosevelt. The operator tells the system that this word must NOT appear in the account. For example, if you enter: Franklin-Benjamin Advanced, the system will return the names belonging to Franklin Roosevelt but not Benjamin Franklin.